What is Today’s Modern Family Purchasing? - DailyTRA

ABC’s hit comedy series Modern Family, in its third season, continues deliver high ratings by captivating viewers with its unconventional “mockumentary” style. It was nominated for 17 Primetime Emmy’s and won five at what was dubbed by Jane Lynch as being the “Modern Family Awards which proves that it is one of the most popular programs on television. With all this success and recognition, advertisers need to know what avid Modern Family viewers are purchasing and if it is worth paying the high cost to air ads in the show.

With TRA’s Media TRAnalytics®, that question is just around the corner. TRA’s StoryFinder™ report shows that personal hygiene advertisers (Nasal Products, Razors/Blades, Skin Care, Hair Gel/Mousse) deliver the highest Purchaser Rating Points™ (PRP’s) Index. This information provides advertisers with the insight they need in order to make sure they are reaching their intended target groups while also showing how to restructure their media plans to reduce any wasteful spending so they can increase their return on investment.

Please visit www.traglobal.com to learn more about how you could benefit from Media TRAnalytics®.