Awesome and Inclusive, Netflix’ “Slasher: Solstice” Is an Equal Opportunity Horror Flick

Imagine you’re being murdered.  Cool.  Now, imagine you’re being murdered right in front of where you live while your neighbors, who can all very clearly see and hear you from their respective windows, do nothing.  Great.  What you’ve just imagined is (more or less) the opening scene from Netflix’s Slasher: Solstice, the third season in the Slasher anthology series created by Aaron Martin.  Like most things that aren’t a comedy, I went into this series not knowing a whole bunch about it.  Turns out, as a colleague of mine once put it, this particular series is, in fact, a cut above the rest.

Slasher: Solstice centers on one apartment complex and its eclectic collection of residents during the summer solstice, the longest day of the year.  That night, a tenant from the building, whose name is later revealed to be “Kit” (Robert Cormier), is followed home after a solstice party filled with booze, drugs and mommy-daddy hugs by an all-black wearing psychopath with an admittedly badass LED rave mask on.  Long story short, this slasher, eventually known as “The Druid,” pulls out a huge kitchen knife and proceeds to murder Kit all up and down the hallways and parking lot of his complex while, you guessed it, his neighbors watch from their windows and do all of jack sh*t to help.  Fast forward one year, and its summer solstice all over again, which is great … for The Druid.  Not so much for everyone else.


Ainsley Andrade

Ainsley Andrade is a freelance writer working primarily as a TV critic and influencer for MediaVillage in the column #AndradeSays. Having "cut the cord" back when cords were still a thing, Ainz, as he likes to be called, brings a fresh an… read more