"Netflix and Chill": Binge-Watching Reaches a Whole New Level

This week, on Mindshare’s Culture Vulture Live, Aimee Goldfarb talks about the evolution of Netflix in culture. TV addicts, this news is for you: Netflix is playing to the makers movement with the announcement of a connected button called “Netflix and Chill." While you can’t actually purchase the button, Netflix has published instructions for how to create this homegrown device.

The button creates the perfect setting for binge-watching: It can do everything from dimming the lights and ordering food, to putting your phone on “do not disturb” mode. It’s turning a digital craze into a tangible all-in-one remote.


With Millennials already watching an average of 8.2 episodes per binge-watch session, this remote could help further fuel the fire -- taking the art of binge-watching to a whole new level.

Netflix maintains their relevance in today’s culture by continually pushing their brand to connect with consumer’s habits.  Similar to the emoji ordering service that Dominos launched earlier this year, brands should look for playful and congruent ways to further connect with their consumers.

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