Drunk Driving Hits a Broadcast Roadblock -- Abby Auerbach

Is there a better use of television than saving lives?

2013 marks the 10th anniversary of Project Roadblock, a Local Broadcast Television initiative to donate on-air, online and mobile time and space to help stop drunk driving during one of the most deadly auto fatality weeks of the year – Christmas through New Year’s Eve.

Project Roadblock’s impact has been astounding.

Since its inception, over half of all Americans recognize the anti-drunk driving PSAs. More importantly, awareness among the intended Men 21-35 target is at 60%.

In a 2005 survey, 38% of young men said that they’d get a ride rather than drive buzzed. Today, it’s nearly 50%. Furthermore, nearly 70% of adults surveyed have tried to stop someone from drinking and driving.

Since the early 1980’s, the amount of alcohol-involved fatalities has been cut by more than half.

We can’t overstate how proud we are of our partnership with the Ad Council, the National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration and Merkly + Partners for this annual effort. It’s truly a lifesaving force that has a real, tangible impact upon our local communities.

Project Roadblock’s success is possible because of the concern and cooperation of our nation’s broadcast television stations. Over 1300 primary and D2 stations participated in Project Roadblock 2012!

Through this PSA campaign, Local Broadcast Television is helping to save thousands of lives each year.

As leaders in their communities, TV broadcasters know the power in their connections with their viewers. They know that each time they deliver a message – whether it’s over-the-air or from one of their multiplatform digital assets – it has the potential to influence behavior…and in this case, save lives.

This is not part of any business model. This is part of a human model.

Broadcasters have shown commitment to this community ideal for 10 years. To commemorate the milestone, this year’s roadblock will culminate in a real advertising roadblock on New Year’s Eve. The roadblock will air at 10PM, symbolizing the 10th anniversary of this amazing effort.

Advertisers can join the roadblock, too! New creative, premiering day-one of Project Roadblock can be sponsored at a market level. We invite advertisers to contact TV stations for information regarding how to partner and participate in Project Roadblock.

Station enrollment for Project Roadblock 2013 opens on November 12th. Please stay tuned for announcements to join the roadblock and stop drunk driving in your market.

With everyone’s help, we can make this the most lifesaving year yet.

Abby Auerbach is Executive Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer at TVB, where she hasdirect responsibility for Public Relations, Corporate Communications, Marketing Research and Creative Services and works with TVB’s CEO on strategic direction and overall management of the company. Abby can be reached at abby@tvb.org.

Read all Abby's MediaBizBloggers commentaries at Local Matters.

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