Ed Ney…Ahead of His Time…Again - Jerry Shereshewsky

I read this morning about KBS+P Ventures, the newest addition to the world that has discovered the marital pleasures of the combination of marketing savvy and investment banking. A number of smaller shops, including Taxi and Anomaly, and bigger entities like Interpublic’s MediaBrands Ventures, are doing the same thing. Sounds new and exciting.

Back in November, 1986, Y&R and Paine Webber formed a new investment banking company that was headed by none other than Ed Ney. This was the first time that an ad agency had entered the investment banking business. There were lots of interesting problems trying to integrate such different cultures and lots of excellent learning totally applicable to today.

I wish Richard Kirshenbaum and Darren Herman the best on their new venture and humbly suggest that a lunch with Ed Ney might pay very handsome returns.

Jerry Shereshewsky has formed a new marketing consultant firm, GrownUpMarketing, to help agencies and marketing companies strategically understand the 45+ market and the relevance to their particular brands. Jerry can be reached at jerry@grownupmarketing.com

Read all Jerry’s MediaBizBloggers commentaries at Rants & Raves from the Heart of Advertising.

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Jerry Shereshewsky

Chief Grown-Up GrownUpMarketing.com Jerry has been at the leading edge for his entire 40+ year career.  He may be the only executive in the digital arena to have created a new brand of soda pop (Mello Yello for The Coca-Cola Company) and he was the … read more