Fox’s “LA to Vegas” Needs a More Detailed Flight Plan

LA to Vegas, Fox’s first attempt at a workplace comedy in 2018, didn’t exactly knock my socks off.  Like a good wine, it needed time to breathe before we were asked to take that proverbial first sip, and due to what feels like impetuous writing we weren’t afforded that opportunity.  However, there was still plenty to like, so before I talk about what could’ve improved this in-flight experience, let’s talk about how great some of it really was – spoilers and all.

Thematically, everything about LA to Vegas is on point.  The show primarily follows a couple of flight attendants, their captain and co-captain, and the group of regulars that flies from the first title city to the second every weekend.  I like how at the top of each new day in the show there’s an on-your-ticket style flight number/time/date stamp at the bottom of the screen.  That, combined with the crews’ uniforms and the fact that most of the show takes place on a plane or in an airport all fit together rather neatly if you ask me.

Captain Dave, played hilariously by Dylan McDermott (pictured at top) is, much like most of the characters, less of a real person and more of an idea of one.  As our point of entry into the world of commercial airline pilots he plays like a sort of real-life Sterling Archer; his priorities are women and drinking, and for the most part he’s a good-looking, steely-eyed, kind of pathetic narcissist.  But he’s likable enough, and pretty good for a laugh.  Of all my least favorite things on LA to Vegas, he’s one of my least least favorite.

Ainsley Andrade

Ainsley Andrade is a freelance writer working primarily as a TV critic and influencer for MediaVillage in the column #AndradeSays. Having "cut the cord" back when cords were still a thing, Ainz, as he likes to be called, brings a fresh an… read more