How Music the Number 1 Searched Category on the Web Has Now Become a New & Powerful Ad Medium - Steve Blacker

1. A surprising fact. Music Content and Lyrics are the number 1 searched category on the web, according to Google since 2004. More people check out lyrics then search for sex, news, sports etc.

2. So why has no one taken advantage of this amazing opportunity to date? Probably because the segment was fragmented and mostly DR based, considered by some to be a 'non-premium' environment.

3. Finally a company has come in and truly come up with a new, unique and targeted way to take advantage of this HUGE audience. This company is ToneMedia and they have some impressive numbers and data.

4. ToneMedia reaches over 55 million consumers every month -- and 120 million consumers globally each month. This highly engaged audiences is mostly untapped by advertisers. But that's now changing.

5. Advertisers can now use ToneMedia "lyrics" as a key consumer indicator. The process is called ToneTargeting and compiles audience segments (over 900+) categorized by the artists and can look up over 100,000.

6. For example…Coldplay fans are 40% more likely to be in the market for travel, whereas Drake fans are 138% more likely to be in the market for AT&T wireless.

7. ToneMedia has both scale and targeting. With most media companies you get one at the sacrifice of another. Due to the fact that EVERYONE searches lyrics -- the audience is primed. And at the same time, ToneTargeting allows for VERY DEEP knowledge of the audience profiles.

8. I discovered them by checking out their homepage and was both surprised and impressed with their "split board" of all their audiences. (

9. Val Kateyev, their 30 year old founder is no stranger to running efficient media companies. He had his first success when he was just 19 -- and has launched Poise Media, MobileFuse and ToneFuse prior to the launch of ToneMedia. In fact, ToneFuse is currently the largest ringtone marketer in the world.

10. ToneMedia currently has over 2.5 million consumers coming through their platform every day -- this company, without cookies, is finding out tons of information consumers. This data will be exponentially valuable as the company moves forward. And they are partnering to share this with key partners--both pre and post campaign launches.

11. ToneMedia now offers advertisers "roadblock" lyrics for upcoming artist releases. For example, buying out all of Madonna's lyrics before the Super Bowl performance. These types of "promotions" are endless.

Steve's most recent book You Can't Fall Off The Floor - The Insiders' Guide to Re-Inventing Yourself and Your Career chronicles his 50 year career working for over 25 different companies with 189 lessons learned and insider tips from Gayle King, Cathie Black, Chuck Townsend and 28 others; Blacker is still going strong today as a partner in Frankfurt & Blacker Solutions, LLC. His web site is and e-mail address is

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Steve Blacker

Steve Blacker has been a corporate executive at Time Inc. (Marketing Director PEOPLE, Ad Manager Money, Director Sales & Special Projects, Magazine Development), Conde Nast, SVP Market Research, Hearst, Director Consumer Insights, Playboy Enterprises, Di… read more