Human By Design -- A Conference on Augmentation

Courageous, a brand building studio providing cross platform native content for CNN, HLN and Great Big Story, hosted a conference last week called Human By Design in conjunction with client Square Enix whose video game Deus Ex features human augmentation. "Mankind becomes divided between those who are augmented and improved with technology and others who are in an unadulterated state," explained Otto Bell, Vice President and Group Creative Director, Courageous. "Conflict ensues. These issues are bubbling up today." 

Expanding on the issues raised in the game, the Human By Design conference focused on a more detailed appraisal of augmentation: The moral questions behind it, the possibilities, pitfalls, legalities and current and future global and individual applications. What we have historically thought of as augmentation is shifting. With advancing technology, augmentation is more than what porn stars may do to enhance their appearance. Augmentation now includes all forms of technology and biogenics ranging from chips, medical devices and bionics to genetic modification and more.

What is Augmentation?

Some define augmentation as improving what is already good and healthy in our bodies. "Wearing eyeglasses to improve your vision is reparative," explained Dr. Arthur Caplan, Director of Medical Ethics at NYU School of Medicine. "Augmentation adds capabilities to currently well-functioning areas like Lasik surgery that improves one's eyesight to 20/10 -- beyond the normal range."

But others disagree on that fine distinction. "Augmentation is catapulting us into a new era of humanity," asserted Erica Orange, Executive Vice President and COO Future Hunters. "It is giving us superhero powers; making us stronger and faster or giving us a pill to extend our lifespan. We have already been living augmented lives with prosthetics, for example. And it has accelerated in recent years with programmable microbes and symbiosis."

Ethics of Augmentation

It is staggering to think about how augmentation can and will impact our lives … and how quickly it will happen. We are only limited by our imagination and we are currently experiencing an exponential rate of change that is outpacing our human understanding of it. According to Orange, "We now have modular biology -- self defined, manufactured and unique -- where we will be able to mix and match our own biology. There will be plant-able memories, the restarting of active memory, transplantation -- organic and genetic transplants -- and synthetic DNA. We will see a head transplant in 2017, mind controlled skeletons, age reversal pills, virtual immortality.

"But there are privacy, ethical and moral implications," she warned.

What are the moral implications of augmentation? One might argue that genetically modifying a person is against nature. But what if we are able to modify genes to prevent ALS or other deadly diseases? We are finding ways to extend life ... but just because we can, should we? Will we become a society of haves and have nots as the costs for augmentation may be too high for many deserving people? Will some of this augmentation be used for nefarious or malicious purposes? What happens when it gets into the wrong hands? There was a consensus that it was important to create a meaningful dialogue around these issues.

The issue of individual vs societal rights can become cloudy when it comes to augmentation. "In one sense we shouldn't abridge individual rights, but there are no truly individualistic decisions," posited E. Christian Brugger, Cardinal Stafford Professor of Christian Ethics at John Vianney Major Seminary. "Our decisions impact others as members of a community. They have social implications. However, there is not a lot of controversy in therapeutic aspects of augmentation."

Of course, therapeutic aspects of augmentation have their detractors, including those opposed to stem cell research.

Applications for Media

One of the highlights of the conference was the impact that media can have on the acceptance and adoption of augmentation for consumers. For example, gaming that includes characters with bionic features creates a "cool factor" for young people who may need prosthetics. Jonathan Jacques-Belletete, Executive Art Director for the game Deus Ex, creates prosthetics for his characters that look like art. These designs are then adapted for actual use at Open Bionics, a company that builds prosthetics, to manufacture actual prosthetics from these gaming designs.

Catherine Disney, a college student born with a congenital amputation, faced a lifetime of poorly designed prosthetics, like hooks, that were not only difficult to use but also unsightly. She is now the first woman to wear the bionic Titan arm, which was created by Eidos-Montreal and Open Bionics. "It is like a piece of art and it is very easy to use," she explained. "I like to show it off."

I believe that augmentation may even offer a possible opportunity for the industry through the Internet of Things. Our cars and home appliances will be all connected, so why not some types of augmentation? Some may offer unique data streams that can be captured and added to our growing knowledge of consumer behavior. How scary is that?

The conference, which was live-streamed on the gaming community Twitch, will live on as added content for Courageous, if you are interested in learning more. As stated in the opening video at the conference, "Augmentation is about looking to the future and it is not a question of should we or shouldn't we. It is coming." Indeed.

The opinions and points of view expressed in this commentary are exclusively the views of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of, Inc. management or associated bloggers.

Charlene Weisler

Charlene Weisler is a media research executive and MediaVillage columnist with experience that spans broadcast, cable, off-platform, non-linear, and broadband. She shares her expertise in set-top box data, SEO, metrics creation, and behavioral psychography i… read more