IGNITE Lights a Fire Under Gen Z Activists in "We'll Take It From Here" Campaign Championed by Publicis' Le Truc

The midterm elections are largely over, but IGNITE is still intent on creating a political bonfire. The nonpartisan organization is ramping up social and political awareness among women through a campaign called "We'll Take It From Here," led by Publicis Groupe's New York-based creative collective, Le Truc. It's meant to inspire activism year-round, not just leading up to major election moments.

As part of the campaign, IGNITE launched a digital series of free classes called No Masters Class by IGNITE featuring Gen Z activists that share how anyone can make a change and how to get started.

"This is the generation that will inherit some of our toughest challenges from climate change to lack of access to reproductive care and massive student debt," said Sara Guillermo, IGNITE CEO. "They are also a generation that is already incredibly passionate about making a change and ready to take the lead."

Through their work, IGNITE continues to build a large, diverse movement of young cis and trans women, as well as non-binary people who are eager to shape policies that benefit their communities. With women making up less than 25% of political leadership positions in the United States, IGNITE's work is helping to ensure women arerepresented at every level.

The creative for the campaign was inspired by members of Gen Z. "Who could ever imagine that K-pop fans could disrupt a Trump rally?" saidMarcos Kotlhar, Partner and CCO at Le Truc. "That a middle schooler could go up against a homophobic governor and create a massive statewide movement to crush the Don't Say Gay bill? That a teenager, who was the target of a bully tweet from a Florida state representative, could turn the table and use that very tweet to raise over $2 million to support women seeking abortions?"

Whether they like it or not, today's leaders will age out, and this new generation will step in to "take it from here," which is the idea that inspired the campaign theme. It has been fueled by midterm races, particularly those in battleground states, where young voters were critical of the outcomes, according to data from the Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement. Yet, early reports indicate that youth voter turnout is still below the overall average.

The campaign launched nationally with a focus on TikTok and YouTube, which have a highly engaged Gen Z audience. "We deliberately made the long form content only available on YouTube and used TikTok and other social channels to tease, drive and amplify," Kotlhar explained.

On the day of the midterm elections, the series was supported with a guerrilla campaign. It took traditional political objects -- like campaign portraits, lawn signs and even "I Voted" stickers -- and hacked them all with a mysterious magenta square that drove people to the content. "It was a way to not only create buzz but to also make a powerful, visual expression of the We'll Take It From Here sentiment that has become IGNITE's rallying cry," he added.

The activists featured made the campaign unique. "We're always looking for new ways to engage young women, and this partnership allows us to reach Gen Z where they're at: online," said Guillermo.

The first lesson in the series, How to Mobilize a Walkout, is led by 17-year-old Will Larkins, who organized the biggest school walkout in Florida in one afternoon in response to the bill known as Don't Say Gay.

The lessons continue with actress and activist Sis (pictured below), who in addition to breaking Broadway barriers, is the founder of The Next Generation Project, a nonprofit that distributes resources to Black and brown trans people.

In the third launch video, Emily Flores, a Mexican American teen journalist and Founder of Cripple Media, a website by and for Gen Zers with disabilities, provides inspiration and tangible steps for amplifying a message.

"How do we usher in the new class of political changemakers? By letting them teach us how it's done," Kotlhar asserted. The lessons in No Masters Class by IGNITE will continue throughout the year and feature perspectives from young people across different areas of political leadership. For example, young women who run for office or have organized their communities to push through policies.

"The No Masters Class by IGNITE is a marvelous example of the diversity of Gen Z, their creativity, passion, and the way in which political power is being wielded by them to drive change," Guillermo concluded.

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