NBC Cheats Klugman Out of "Quincy" Payments - Gene DeWitt - MediaBizBlogger

Jack Klugman is suing NBC to receive payments for his role in "Quincy M.E." (1976-83 + reruns). NBC says they've lost $66 million on the show through 2006 even though it airs globally even today.

This is pathetic. General Electric and NBC Universal should be ashamed of themselves for nickel and diming a sterling actor who delivered a quality program to them. Lost $66 million after 30 years of airing and re-airing? Impossible to believe.

Whatever Klugman is suing for, the courts should award him 100 times as much in punitive damages for this sort of egregious fraud.

Gene DeWitt

Gene is the founder and Chairman of DeWitt Media Options LLC, a media/marketing communications consultancy based in New York City. Previously, Gene developed the Optimedia International (U.S.) division of Publicis, founded DeWitt Media Inc. and led media at… read more