Newspaper Media Influences Key Constituents

As candidates for the 2016 presidential election declare their candidacy they are also honing in on target constituents, platforms, messaging and media choices. Even at this early stage, targeted reach and differentiation are paramount. What we can all agree on thus far is that the key voters who will “swing the election” are Millennials, Women, Independents, African Americans, Hispanics and Seniors – and, local newspaper media reaches them all in a trustworthy environment.

Think about it, Scarborough USA+ reports that over 50 million Hispanics and Millennials consume newspaper media regularly alongside a whopping 30 million women. On the digital front, comScore highlights that the NNN top 25 sites deliver 25.6 million uniques A18+ identify their political outlook as “middle of the road.” In other words, their minds are changeable.

Importantly for the candidates at this stage of the election where they are focused on filling their coffers with campaign contributions heavy print newspaper readers A18+ top all other measured media for making over $500 in political contributions by a landslide (Gfk/MRI). So, if you’re looking for donors – you’ll find them here.

And, down the road, when issues become more of the focus, newspaper media is a valuable platform to address regional concerns such as fracking, immigration, healthcare, jobs and gay marriage to name a few. This is a crucial time for our nation and newspaper media (print, digital and social) is here to get the word out to constituents who can swing the election outcome.

We will be back with more trends and facts on how newspaper media influences the choices that will shape our future.

The opinions and points of view expressed in this commentary are exclusively the views of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of / MyersBizNet, Inc. management or associated bloggers.

Mary Ellen Holden

Mary Ellen Holden is Founder and CEO of MEH Solutions, LLC. In this capacity, she provides thought leadership and actionable insights to drive sales, consumer engagement, cultural change and revenue. Holden is a B2B and B2C strategist with strong analytic sk… read more