Nielsen ONE Reveals How to Maximize Reach Using Linear, CTV, Computer and Mobile

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Newly released Nielsen ONE Ads currently consists of data on over 41,000 digital campaigns, to which clients are linking their TV campaigns by means of tools Nielsen has provided. For each campaign, one is able to see the GRP, reach and frequency for any target group in the system, in total and broken out by CTV, computer and mobile, and where the client has defined the linkage, linear. This reveals some very fascinating learnings about how to allocate GRPs across the four devices for the greatest reach.

For example, I see two campaigns that are less than 10% apart in total GRPs, but one of them has a reach of 91.16%, and the other has a reach of 59.74%. Can you guess why that might be? I bet many of you are thinking that the higher reach campaign used more linear, well known to be, along with radio, one of the two media types likely to get you the highest reach. In many cases you’d be right.

However, in this case, here’s how the GRPs break down percentage wise in the two campaigns:

Adults 25-54; higher reach campaign had 3282 GRP, lower reach campaign had 10% more GRP at 3601.

In other words, the lower reach Campaign B did not make best use of the potential reach gain afforded by cross-media mixes. Campaign A, in comparison to Campaign B, "redistributed" about 20% of the linear budget across the other three platforms, with not so much to computer, and got a relative increase of about +50% higher reach than Campaign B.

Here’s a third campaign, let’s call it Campaign C, which achieved a higher reach than Campaign B, with only about a quarter of the GRPs.

Adults 25-54; higher reach campaign had 840 GRP, lower reach campaign had ~4X more GRP at 3601.

Although these are merely a few initial peeks at the data, they already strongly suggest that considerable dollar savings and reach increases can be achieved by studying Nielsen ONE Ads. In my recent article I quoted P&G’s Marc Pritchard as saying that P&G will now be aiming to achieve campaign reach in the 90%-100% range, and these Nielsen ONE Ads data suggest that 90%-100% campaign reach is not a pie in the sky goal. It merely comes down to optimizing the mix across the four devices.

Industry Hustles to Retrofit for Cross-Platform Measurement

Unexpectedly (although in retrospect we should have predicted it) the industry is unprepared to make best use of cross-platform measurement immediately. This is because in order to define a cross-media campaign for a computer, the brand and/or its agencies must say "these TV spots and these digital insertions are all part of a single campaign." So far, out of the over 41,000 campaigns in Nielsen ONE Ads, only 149 have been thusly identified by the client/agency teams, linking the TV and digital. The good news is that the latter number is triple what it was two weeks ago, in other words, work is proceeding at pace for these cross-media campaigns to be identified by their owners. Nielsen is helping by creating custom software for clients to use to simplify and quicken their ability to define cross-platform campaigns.

In order to begin to help the industry by sharing articles such as this one -- which is only the first of many that will be mining and sharing the useful generalizations to come out of Nielsen ONE Ads -- I requested a 5% anonymous sample of all the campaigns in the system, but once I discovered the delay in clients identifying which linear TV units fall within which cross-media campaigns, I also requested all the campaigns that link linear with digital. Currently I am analyzing 149 campaigns with linear TV and 2075 digital campaigns without linear TV (almost all of which will probably soon be seen to also have linear TV attached to them). Here are the reach curves of the two sets of campaigns:

One might wonder what that outlier is on the digital-only campaigns graph at upper right which achieves over 50% reach despite not having any linear attached to it yet. And does so using only 350 GRPs! Those used to planning and buying digital know that it’s difficult to achieve reach that high without linear. (We thought TV was fragmented -- digital is atomized -– making it even harder to gain reach.)

Let’s call that outlier Campaign D. More than 80% of its digital GRPs are in mobile! About 10% is in CTV and about 10% in computer. I’ll look forward to seeing what linear adds to that picture.

Much more to come. I suggest you beat the rush and get your campaigns defined in Nielsen ONE Ads as soon as possible in order to gain maximum advantage in planning and buying the Upfront.

Self-published at MediaVillage through the platform.

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