Original Digital Presents: Matt Quirie, CEO, ROI-DNA

This episode I got to sit and chat with an old friend, Matt Quirie. Matt has painstakingly built, with his team, a great performance-driven B2B marketing agency called ROI-DNA. They work with a lot of Fortune 500 brands, but more importantly, they have built a culture that is among the best in any agency.

Watch the video and learn how Matt drives his team to work hard on their client's business by maintaining the best balance between work and family. Of special note is his policy on the kinds of people they employ and the kinds of clients they work with. Watch to find out more.

Cory. Treffiletti

Cory is a data-driven storyteller who practices marketing, maintains a musical hobby, and has a passion for thinking differently. As Chief Marketing Officer for Rembrand, Cory is helping drive the growth of the leading programmatic product placement platform… read more