PHD Perspectives: Are You Fishing with Rocks? - Jackson Collins - MediaBizBloggers

"I do not accept that there has to be a choice between advertising that is strategically relevant or creatively original"(Martin Boase, co-founder of BMP, now DDB London).

The challenges facing agencies and clients have never been tougher as consumers are bombarded with an increasing number of messages and experiences coming at them from a growing variety of platforms and channels. To compound the issue, agencies are frequently being asked to do more with fewer resources and smaller budgets. This is the time agencies and clients should be eschewing sizzle for substance. But many are not. Instead of focusing on what will engage the audience, there is a craving for novelty.

The problem, in large part, lies in our approach to technological advancement. We are witnessing a rush for new technology or platforms that resembles the California Gold Rush. Word spreads about a new development and then there is a stampede to find a use for it before the novelty has worn off. "It's got to be something that's never been done before" is rapidly becoming the first and last point in briefs handed from client to agency to vendor, while "It's never been done before" is increasingly the key (if not the sole) selling point for ideas going in the opposite direction.

The result of such thinking can be a communications plan that is akin to going fishing with rocks: throwing rocks at the fish will certainly cause a big splash but probably won't catch many of them. Indeed the marketing annals are littered with examples of products and plans built on novelty that made a big splash and then sank without trace: New Coke anyone?

As even the most inexperienced fisherman will tell you, if you want to catch fish you need to decide what type of fish you want to catch and use the appropriate bait.

In our rush to demonstrate our new technology credentials we are in danger of overlooking the basics of our craft. Although some might consider Boase's use of the term 'advertising' quaint in today's increasingly complex and challenging marketing communications environment, his comment is more important than ever given today's increasingly complex and challenging marketing communications environment. We need to make sure that our communications plans are designed to attract consumers, rather than simply look impressive.

This means acknowledging that the latest emergent media platform is not automatically a silver bullet. The rare silver bullet will be found by evaluating all the media options in terms of their ability to deliver against the objectives of the communications plan. As well as helping to establish true credibility for emerging media platforms, such an exercise strengthens our credibility as marketing communications professionals.

Jackson Collins, Associate Director of Account Planning, PHD Media, an Omnicom Company

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Jackson Collins

Associate Director PHD Network Jackson uses consumer insights combined with an understanding of the category and business to inform the development of communications platforms that provide inspiration and guidance for a number of PHD’s US clients. … read more