PHD Perspectives: "You're in Digital, Cool. So, uh, What Exactly Do You Do?" - Lance Neuhauser - MediaBizBloggers

Okay, here's the scenario…

You're at a dinner party or perhaps a family event. There are a few random people in attendance: Friends of friends, distant family members or parents' colleagues. You're exchanging niceties over the weather, sports or perhaps the latest non-controversial news story. And then it happens…

"So, what line of work are you in?"

Your mind begins to race. You immediately begin to assess the capacity for comprehension of this newly formed acquaintance. You try to decide whether or not you want to go down the rabbit hole and engage this person at a deeper level, or simply provide an acceptable answer that allows you to move to the next subject quickly and effectively without consequence.

Meanwhile, you have taken two sips of your beer and the silence still looms.

You answer…

"I'm in Digital." (Immediate internal dialogue ensues) Son of a…! You know better than that! Well, here we go…

"You're in Digital, cool. So, uh, what exactly do you do?"

Been there?

If you're currently making the face that tips off colleagues to the fact that you're not looking at a spreadsheet (you know the one, typically reserved for reading morning-after Facebook status updates and newly received Someecards) then I'll take that as a "yes."

Honestly, who in this ever-changing, constantly-being-redefined field hasn't been?

Chances are your company is struggling to answer what they do with respect to digital, so how can you expect to have a well-tailored coffee talk answer?

I'm sure you've tried and many of you may have your own standard answers: Interactive marketing, digital media, digital development, etc. But deep down you know all of these are no better at defining your work then Webster is at defining the word definition (the act of defining).

But we all need to realize that if we're not going to help define our very own core competencies and evolutionary practice development, then we can expect to: a) Be misunderstood; b) Have a scope of work typically reserved for an entire branch of our military; and/or c) Be placed into a very constricting professional growth box.

It's on us folks. It's time for us to take a stab at defining our universe so we can set goals, be successful and advance as business professionals.

Now, I happen to have a slightly different -- and perhaps more pressing -- motivation to help define what it is we do than career advancement.

After a longer than necessary work conversation with the soon-to-be in-laws, and given the recognition of future engagement parties, wedding showers and the big show, I realized I need a conversation strategy!

I began to build my answer.

The following was the internalized thought process and result:

The following was the internalized thought process and result:

· Digital analytics…yeah I do that.

· Engage with consumers in 2-way dialogue through digital communication tools…totally!

· Assess consumer behavior to develop a marketing response plan…sure.

· Research, media planning, project management, account management, and client service…check, check, check, check and check.

· Confuse myself more because each of the above requires total dedication and focus to be successful and none of them allows me to be cordial and brief at the party…um, definitely!

· Clearly I need help.

I then asked myself, "What would Hemingway do? He's the master of the six word story."

Go go gadget Internet!

Here we are, a story on 6 word stories from Wired Magazine. I'm inspired and ready.

6 words that describe my work that I can use to both answer the question as to what I do and close the conversation if need be.

· Digital Anthropology. Socioeconomic Planning. Investment Optimization.

· Banner Buyer. Partnership Purveyor. Contextual Connectual.

· Digital Relationship Manager. Marketing Investment Director.

· Like, it’s the Internet man. Duh.

· Back off! What do you do?!

HELP!!! This isn't working!!!

I beg of you all to help me. Seriously, I'm counting on you. The first engagement party is in 2 weeks!

Please post your own responses or email me.

Don't leave me, or any of your fellow Digitalists, out there to be scooped up by weird Uncle Jake and wacky Aunt Clara!

Lance Neuhauser, EVP, U.S. Digital Director, PHD Media, an Omnicom Company. You can follow PHD's Twitter feed at

Read all Lance's MediaBizBlogger commentaries at PHD Perspectives - MediaBizBlogger.

Lance Neuhauser

Lance Neuhauser is CEO of 4C, a global leader in data science and media technology with solutions for cross-screen convergence. The 4C product suite includes advertising activation on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest and Instagram as well as TV Synced … read more