“South Park” Takes on Donald Trump: The Top 25 Shows of 2016, No. 19

Every year I look for reasons not to include it, and yet every year Comedy Central’s devilish delight South Park turns up on my best-of-the-year list. Seems it will not be ignored! Even after 20 seasons I’m happy to continue paying attention, because this show still delivers some of the best topical humor this side of Saturday Night Live.

As always there was much to treasure amid the timely adventures of potty-mouthed Eric Cartman and his buddies, but fiendishly observant series creators, writers, executive producers and vocal talents Trey Parker and Matt Stone outdid themselves with the convincing transformation of legacy character Mr. Garrison, the long-suffering principal (replaced last year by the savage PC Principal) of South Park Elementary School, into a very Donald Trump-like President-Elect of the United States.

Adding to the lunacy: Caitlyn Jenner is the First Lady!

As the show begins its third decade I can’t help but wonder how long Parker and Stone can continue to give us some of the best social, cultural and political satire available anywhere? (“Satire” is a term that feels almost too confining when applied to what they do.)

I also wonder if and when I will ever outgrow it.

The correct responses to these concerns are “forever” and “never,” respectively.

Now on to the Trump years, which promise to provide South Park with some of its richest source material ever.

How far will Parker and Stone go? Too far, of course.

We wouldn’t have it any other way.

Previously in the Top 25 countdown:

No. 20: Bates Motel Psychodrama

No. 21: Return of The Exorcist

No. 22:Tosh.0 is Still TV's Funniest Show

No. 23:Kelly Ripa's Cavalcade of Co-Hosts

No. 24:Sarah Paulson, Kate McKinnon on NBC Late Night

No. 25: