Summer Travel Alert! Millennials Check In to Newspaper Sites

More and more Millennials are expected to be on the move this summer -- and as they search for information related to staycations, beach vacations or travel to the most remote cultural destinations they’ll be turning to digital newspaper sites for travel tips, best pricing and can’t miss experiences.

According to GfK MRI data, 66% of Millennials consider travel to be an important part of their lives.  While we are generally discouraged from grouping Millennials as a single entity, there are some unifying threads.  For example, it is generally accepted that most of today’s Millennials value immersive, adventurous and authentic cultural experiences.  This represents a shift from the days when pub crawls and all-night parties dominated their minds and wallets.

Digital newspaper sites have engaged this generation with innovative social media tools, branded content and timely information that can contextually help brands reach “Millennials on the Move” with impact.

Their audiences are robust. For example, did you know that digital newspaper sites reach nearly 10mm Millennial “Active Adventurers” (2015 GfK MRI Doublebase)?  Or that Millennials who recently visited these sites were 59% more likely to visit a national park, 49% more likely to visit cultural/historic sites and 39% more likely to take 3-4 domestic plane trips -- all in the last 12 months (comScore Plan Metrix; NNN Top 25, February 2016)?

Here are a few more “fun facts” illustrating how digital newspaper sites over-deliver Millennials on important metrics (2015 GfK MRI Doublebase; Base: A18-34).

Mary Ellen Holden

Mary Ellen Holden is Founder and CEO of MEH Solutions, LLC. In this capacity, she provides thought leadership and actionable insights to drive sales, consumer engagement, cultural change and revenue. Holden is a B2B and B2C strategist with strong analytic sk… read more