Talk to Customers Online Without Being Shut Up - Walter Sabo

A relationship with your ultimate customer online demands a different dynamic than one established by phone or over the sales counter. Very few companies have made the transition successfully. After studying the patterns of failure for the past five years, here are the fundamental mistakes. They may seem simple, but the results are profound:

There are 5 consistent missteps companies make when they take their conversation online:

Number 5. Taking the online initiative out of the hands of people who understand the company's customers and giving it to technocrats--rocket scientists who understand the apparatchik of the Internet but not the pat on the back.

Number 4: They silo the digital/Internet staff. Online customer engagement must be fully integrated throughout the company.

Number 3: Claiming expertise. We are at the primordial stage of the Internet. No one over the age of 12 can fully internalize this sentence, "A 9 year old can make a video, distribute it to the world for free without permission." No gatekeepers. None. That single fact changes all media, international relationships, and ultimately all business. Embracing that exciting reality is essential to the future of any business. There are no experts, only experiences that may help your business...not screw up.

This mistake is particularly brutal when the best content creator you have may be at the reception desk. He/She goes home and makes videos watched by millions of fans every day---but your water-bottle drinkin' creative team is still working story boards.

Number 2. Failing to make programs specifically for the digital medium. Taking a TV spot or Movie trailer and throwing it online DENIES your brand the full potential of a medium that comes equipped with keyboard, mouse and camera. Each medium creates new stars and stars, not concepts, bring audience.

Number 1: Believing in permanency. Managers of websites, apps and social media endeavors often approach their task as though they are publishing a monthly magazine. Many digital content builders believe everything they do "counts." NOTHING online has similar top shelf visibility. Since you began reading this brilliant blog, 40 hours of video has been uploaded to YouTube. 70+% of all online video viewing happens in the first 48 hours. There is no long tail.

If something isn't working, just hit refresh.

The opinions and points of view expressed in this commentary are exclusively the views of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of management or associated bloggers. MediaBizBloggers is an open thought leadership platform and readers may share their comments and opinions in response to all commentaries.

Walter Sabo

Walter Sabo is a Westwood One network talk show host aka Walter M Sterling. His show, Sterling on Sunday, is aired live Sunday nights at 10 PM-1AM Eastern. Walter Sabo is the Chairman of Sabo Media, a company that offers executive-on-demand services. He has … read more