The Future of Media According to Jack Myers (Podcast)

Last March Jack Myers and Phil Kotler spoke at The Sarasota Institute's symposium "The Future of Marketing and Media." In a follow-up to that event, Jack agreed to do a podcast on "The Future of Media." As the Managing Director and co-founder of The Sarasota Institute, I sat down with him to learn what the future of media might be. You can listen to the podcast by clicking on the box below.


Note: Here is the library of all the podcasts at The Sarasota Institute – A 21st Century Think Tank. All our podcasts are available on most major podcast platforms. Search for Sarasota Institute. The full-length video of Jack and Phil's presentations is for Institute members only at $35. Sign-up is at the upper right hand corner of the home page.

Now, to enjoy hearing about the future of media with Jack Myers, Media Ecologist, click here.

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