The Top 10 Takeaways from SXSW Interactive

I am just leaving Austin after spending five days at SXSW, and between the nightlife and all-day conference sessions it’s safe to say I need to sleep for a good long while.  Despite the exhaustion, though, it was an amazing time, both educationally and socially.  Here are my Top 10 takeaways.

Ad Blocking is Killing Traditional Digital Advertising

Ad blocking is listed as my first takeaway as it addresses the core issue with the advertising industry today.  Most of the following highlights are based on how marketers can adapt to address the fact that consumers 1) aren’t seeing ads or 2) aren’t connecting with ads when they do see them.

In many ways the ad industry has had its head in the sand as ad blocking has been looming on the horizon for some time. In 2015, $22 billion in revenue was affected by ad blocking and this year that number will rise to $41 billion.   Soon, half of all 18-24 year olds will use ad blockers. Today, 22% of all Brits already do. (*)

But wait! There’s hope!

Tell Better Stories by Staying in Touch with Human Emotions

When consumers connect with a story, they listen and remember.

During what was probably the hottest panel of the conference, J.J. Abrams told a story about another director who once showed him a six-minute action-filled reel that was jam-packed with much of the latest special effects technology.  While the visuals were amazing, he said, “I couldn’t connect with it because it lacked a human element. Even though we now have access to amazing technology, it’s important not to lose sight of what makes us human.”

In essence, movie makers need to tell stories that allow people to truly relate with the characters and feel a deep connection to them. Brands are no different. Marketers need to tell better, more meaningful stories. But how?

Branding in Social is More Important than Ever

In a session called Stay True to Your Craft and Online Brand the conversation was about the power of branding today.   It’s more important than ever for brands to know who they are and what they stand for.  According to Jey Van-Sharp, “A brand is storytelling. It’s a concept, it’s an idea.  Replace the word ‘brand’ with ‘personality.’ Then how do you think about it?”

Social media is one big conversation.  With people listening less and less to traditional ads, brands need to be louder in social and the ones with the strongest and most consistent POV in a positive direction will gain the most attention.


John Bohan

John is the CEO and Founder of Socialtyze, a leading social media agency that works with over 200 top brands including The Cheesecake Factory, Gallo Wines, Warner Bros. and Time Inc.. He also runs StoryCafe, an influencer marketing company that aligns Intern… read more