Why People Hate Your Brand on Facebook - Uwe Hook

Or Twitter. Or any other social platform

Everybody has favorite brands. We have preferences when it comes to cars, restaurants, TV shows, movies, grocery stores, bands, authors, bloggers – you name it. You are one of these brands that people like and continue to purchase.


So, one day you decide to jump on the Social Media bandwagon and develop a presence on some social platforms. Let's say your first choice is Facebook. And you start to market your Facebook page: "Please find us" or "Like us". And they do.


Not really. Wonderful for some customers and brands. The small minority.

The majority of customers hate their favorite brand on Facebook.


Because you are only focused on the platform and not on the offer.

The majority of people follow brands because they want offers, are current customers or explore entertaining content that they can't get anywhere else. People connect with brands because they want something and they expect brands to give them something.

Focus on less on the what. And more on the why.

The social space is littered with brands that never answered the question why a person should connect with them. Marketing on a social platform doesn't work without the why. Brands need to define their own WHY before choosing a specific platform. Once you determined your why, you can create your strategy: Content to engage people, contests, polls, humor, discounts, coupons – your why has to be aligned with your brand promise and needs to be sustainable for the long-term.

Define your value proposition and communicate it.

Don't just ask people to like you or follow you on Twitter. Tell them what they get in return, why they spend their limited time with your content, what's in for them?

Being social is your primary goal. Being a marketer is secondary.

Nothing wrong with marketing on social platforms. Don't feel guilty about it. But you have to be social. Create compelling content that keeps people coming back. The customers are really the king on social platforms. You're the servant.

Click on the chart to view it full-size.

Uwe Hook is the CEO and Co-Founder of BatesHook, Inc. (www.bateshook.com) and a veteran of the advertising and marketing industry with the goal of building connections between people and brands. Uwe can be reached at uwe@bateshook.com.

Read all Uwe's MediaBizBloggers commentaries at Subversions.

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