Introducing IRTS Fellow Alumnus Mate Aguirre of Nielsen

IRTS (International Radio and Television Society), founded in 1939, is a non-profit charitable organization that develops future leaders and advances multi-cultural employee recruitment and retention for the media, advertising and marketing communities. The highly competitive IRTS Summer Fellowship Program places 30 college students into host companies annually, with 90% continuing their careers in our business. MediaVillage's is pleased to share some of their stories as we approach the June 9 IRTS Media Forecasting panel, where this year's Fellows will be introduced. The panel, moderated by IRTS Chairman Jack Myers, features GroupM's Rino Scanzoni, Havas Media's Lori Hiltz, Starcom's Amanda Richman, Magna Global's Dani Benowitz and Horizon Media's Donnie Williams. For more information and to register, look here.  

Mate Aguirre
Current Company: Client Solutions Associate, Nielsen   
IRTS Summer Fellow Year: 2014
IRTS Summer Internship: Nielsen  

"If it were not for the IRTS Summer Fellowship Program, I would be…"

If it were not for the IRTS Summer Fellowship Program, I would not be as foundationally strong or prepared to enter such a complex and evolving business as the media industry. The summer program really provided a strong foundation for me to build my career upon. The guidance, mentorship and access we were provided was key in my current success. If it were not for the IRTS Summer Fellowship Program, I may not even be in New York City or working in media. Before the program, I was lost in what I wanted to do and where I wanted to be, and I wasn't sure which industry I should enter. The IRTS provided clarity to my situation and showed me a career path that I could succeed in. I am forever grateful for the experiences, memories and strong foundation that the IRTS has provided for myself.

Has the IRTS Summer Fellowship shaped your experience in the media industry? If so, how?

IRTS has had a huge impact on my experience in the media industry. IRTS exposed me to so many different companies and sides of the media industry that it is crucial [to know about] in order to be fully successful in this industry. It's so important to know and understand the different sides of this industry and how you can leverage them in your professional role. IRTS exposed me to these different businesses and companies in the industry and prepared me to have a holistic and clear view of where each company fits in the media ecosystem. IRTS also did a great job of providing one-on-one mentorship for me as I was preparing to graduate and enter the workplace. Joyce and Lauren were able to get to know me and provide insight into where they think I would excel in the industry. Without their guidance, I would be completely lost. Overall, IRTS equipped me with the skills and knowledge to excel in the media industry at an optimal level.

How did your IRTS summer internship shape your current career placement?

My summer internship at Nielsen which I obtained through IRTS has played a huge role on my current career path. I interned on the same team that I am currently a full-time employee on. Without the internship, I might not even be in my current role or with Nielsen. I love Nielsen and my team, so the fact that I was fortunate enough to get the internship I did via IRTS was life changing. I could see myself at Nielsen for 10-20-plus years and once again, this would not be nearly as possible without IRTS. IRTS was able to look at my application and find the perfect fit within the media industry. Nielsen is the perfect combination of business and TV, and I am currently in a role I can excel at. IRTS has given me the tools to be able to excel and have a long and prosperous career.

In your opinion, why is there a need for an organization such as IRTS?

In my opinion, there is a huge need for an organization like IRTS. IRTS effectively selects top talent in the United States that may not be exposed to the New York City media market or may not have the ability to get connected in the manner that IRTS assists them with. IRTS makes the connection between the individual and the company/industry which is a crucial first step to a mutually beneficial relationship. Top talent that may not be found or utilized is now brought to the forefront of these hiring companies, and it becomes a mutually beneficial situation where the company benefits from connecting with top talent, and the individual is given an opportunity that they may not have been exposed to otherwise. IRTS helps with the transition of these top-talent students and helps prepare them for the reality of the real world and industry. Without the IRTS, the industry would be missing out on top talent and the industry as a whole would not benefit. (Mate is pictured below, back left, with his IRTS cohorts at ABC's "Good Morning America" during the 2014 IRTS Summer Fellowship Media Bootcamp.)

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