Whitepapers list

The Myers Report on Inclusion and Support 2024

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The Myers Report on Social and Career Opportunities 2024

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Only paid members have access to this Whitepaper

The Myers Report on Workplace Preferences 2024

If you have trouble downloading the report, please contact
Only paid members have access to this Whitepaper

What is the Upfront and Why it's Still Relevant 2024

Download this Upfront White Paper as a PDF. If you have trouble, please contact

The Myers Report - Navigating the Future of Media 2024

Download the white paper today! If you are having trouble, please contact

2023 The Myers Report Research on Data & Analytics

The Myers Report/MediaVillage members can download the report for free. If you have trouble please contact
$95.00 Buy

State of the Advertising: Sports to the Rescue

Report from MoffettNathanson - State of the Advertising: Sports to the Rescue - 2023

MAGNA/Audacy Aligning with Audio Rituals

MAGNA/Audacy Aligning with Audio Rituals Report

TMR-How AdTech Empowers Marketers to Slash Budgets

The full Myers Report article "How AdTech Empowers Marketers to Slash Budgets"
$95.00 Buy

The Myers Report 30th Annual Marketing/Advertising Data and Forecast 2023

Members can download the report for free. Non-members can purchase it for $295. If you believe you are a member and are having trouble, please contact for assistance.
$295.00 Buy

test 2

$295.00 Buy

The Myers Report 2022 Upfront Inflation Report

Members can download the report for free. If you need help, please contact
$250.00 Buy

5 Best Practices for Reducing Costs and Optimizing Revenues

Free Download. If you need assistance with the download, contact

5 Best Practices for Corporate Communictions

Free Download. If you need assistance with the download, contact

5 Best Practices for Corporate Research

Free Download. If you need assistance with the download, contact

The Case for Education & Diversity - As Tools for Business Growth in Marketing & Media

Download the free eBook here. If you have trouble, contact for assistance.

The Business Case for Commitment for Diversity

Download the free whitepaper here. If you have trouble, contact for assistance.

Building a Learning Organization

Download the free whitepaper here. If you have trouble, contact for assistance.

Is Yours a Learning Organization?

Download the free whitepaper here. If you have trouble, contact for assistance.

Quigley Simpson TViews May 2021

Free Download. If you need assistance with the download, contact

TV's New Wave: Marketers Take on the Shift to OTT, CTV & Addressable

Free Download. If you need assistance with the download, contact

Quigley Simpson TViews January 2021

Free Download. If you need assistance with the download, contact

ANA - Give the Gift of Membership

Free Download. If you need assistance with the download, contact

Grit, Grace, and Generosity

Download the free whitepaper here. If you have trouble, contact for assistance.

The Myers Report Sales Organization Performance on Audio 2020

Download the free presentation here

Doomsday Scenario: Chris Carter Foresaw 9/11

Log in and download the PDF.

Jack Myers Leadership Conversations -- May/June Schedule

Download the Schedule of Leadership Conversations. Click on the event name to register.

Mower COVID-19 How Brands Should Respond

Download it now.

OUTFRONT eBook from MediaVillage

Download the eBook now.

Nielsen's Streaming Update During COVID-19

Download the .pdf here.

MediaVillage Five B2B Solutions for Growth

Free Download. If you need assistance contact

2020 MediaVillage Supply Chain Infograph

Click to download

Facebook: COVID-19 Impact on FB Usage vs Ad Revenue

Download the full report from Needham

Jack Myers Leadership Conversations and Industry Renewal Fund

To meet our community’s human and business needs in response to the COVID-19 crisis we’re hosting Virtual Upfront and Relief April 20 to July 17 with revenues distributed to individuals and non-profit organizations in need, administered by Advancing

2020 Events Calendar

Download the 2020 Calendar of Events

Behind the Scenes at the U.S. Upfronts: Canary in the Coal Mine

The traditional U.S. network television Upfront marketplace, when more than $80 billion is invested, has been expanded to include leading digital video media, including Walmart's expanded Vudu presence and the first-time entry of Target Media Network.
$95.00 Buy

AIMM SeeAll NYT ad

AIMM SeeAll ad in the New York Times

AIMM Launch Sequence

AIMM Launches Communications Effort for Inclusivity of All Segments

MyersBizNet Ten Principles for Industry Growth

Download the MyersBizNet Ten Principles for Industry Growth -- Advancing from Advocacy to Activism

Building Better Outcomes for Brand and Business

Download the PDF of the full Starcom report here.

Influencer Marketing White Paper

Strategic Insights in an Age of Disruption -- As the value of traditional marketing and advertising resources erode, our members explore non-traditional solutions and challenge the status quo. Together, they share ideas that reduce risk and optimize opportunities for successful marketing, media partnerships, data and analytics advances, innovation, customer engagement and commerce.
$95.00 Buy

The Myers Report Leadership Report: Survey of Advertisers and Agency Executives on Media Company Relationships and Value, 2019

The Myers Report Leadership Report: Survey of Advertisers and Agency Executives on Media Company Relationships and Value, 2019
Only paid members have access to this Whitepaper

Disney+ Investor announcement

Disney+ Investor announcement, we have condensed the 210-page presentation down to the most pertinent 77 slides.

Apple Poisons Netflix -- Needham & Company

Download the full report here.

2019 Ad Trends Report from Catch&Release

The Incredible Journey Back to Authentic Storytelling

Media Brand Futures Report: Agency and Advertiser Executives Assess Vitality of Media Brands

Member companies can download the report here. If you are having sign-in issues, please contact
Only paid members have access to this Whitepaper

MediaVillage Media Brand Equity Study - Executive Summary

Member clients can download this executive summary for free. Problems? Please contact
Only paid members have access to this Whitepaper

MediaVillage 2018 Media Brand Equity Study

Member clients can download the report for free. Having trouble? Contact
Only paid members have access to this Whitepaper

MediaVillage Upfront/NewFront Research

Member clients can download the report for free. Having trouble? Contact
Only paid members have access to this Whitepaper

MediaVillage Addressable TV Report 2018

Member clients can download the report for free. Having trouble? Contact
Only paid members have access to this Whitepaper

The Partner Theater

Click to download The Partner Theater - Naming Deck

Gen Z in the Workplace

Download the report now -- Gen Z in the Workplace.

Advertising, Shopper Marketing & Trade Communications Spending Data and Forecast 2000-2020

The full report is available to all MediaVillage member companies. Non-member companies may purchase the 45-page detailed report "Advertising, Shopper Marketing & Trade Communications Spending Data and Forecast 2000-2020" for $4,950 by clicking below. To verify if you are a member company, please email
$4,950.00 Buy

The Future of Media: an Epic Battle

Download the full PDF version of The Future of Media, An Epic Battle by Laura Martin and Dan Medina of Needham & Co. here. It is available MediaVillage subscribers. Enter your password or register at the site.

Group M’s “State of Video” Report.

Download Now: Group M’s first “State of Video” Report.

Advancing Diversity Underwriting

Download your underwriting form

Advancing Diversity Honors Event

Download the details

4th Annual 1st Five Summer Intern Experience Overview

Download the 4th Annual 1st Five Summer Intern Experience Overview

1stFive Experience Overview

Download the 1stFive Experience Overview.

RITZ Tasty Sales Impact

Download the Full Case Study.

State of Digital Media 2017

State of Digital Media 2017 from LUMA Partners

Blockchain Technology's Impact on Media Buying and Selling-whitepaper

Blockchain Technology's Impact on Media Buying and Selling by Jack Myers

Commentaries from 2002 and 2003

Read Jack's original commentaries from 7/24/02 and 7/27/03

A Short History of the Upfront By Erwin Ephron

The late Erwin Ephron, a true industry legend and giant, wrote "A Short History of the Upfront" in 2003. Download it here.

Infograph from COMvergence

Infograph from COMvergence showing the main highlights of 2016 (related to the media agency organizations of the big six holdings).

Current Legends & Leaders

Current Legends & Leaders

Interaction 2017 from GroupM

Download GroupM's Interaction 2017 report published every year. It is an overview of the state of digital marketing and its implications for advertisers.

ANA E-Commerce Survey Report

New ANA Study Shows Digital Transactions Driving Incremental Sales

2016-2018 Jack Myers TomorrowToday Spending Forecast

This exclusive 2016-2018 Spending Forecast from Jack Myers TomorrowToday is available for download to employees at all MyersBizNet paid client/member companies.
Only paid members have access to this Whitepaper

2010-2020 Jack Myers TomorrowToday Spending Forecast

This exclusive historical spending forecast from Jack Myers TomorrowToday is available for download to employees at all MyersBizNet paid client/member companies.
Only paid members have access to this Whitepaper

2000-2020 Jack Myers TomorrowToday Spending Forecast

This exclusive Historical Spending Forecast from Jack Myers TomorrowToday is available for download to employees at all MyersBizNet paid client/member companies.
Only paid members have access to this Whitepaper

Exclusive Blockchain Technology's Impact on Media Buying and Selling-whitepaper

An exclusive whitepaper from Jack Myers TomorrowToday is available for download to employees at all MyersBizNet paid client/member companies. In this report we explore why, when and how Blockchain Technology will impact the media buying and selling business.

People-based Marketing: How a Change in Planning & Buying Protocols Can Maximize the Value of Your Media Investment

The idea of people-based marketing as is as simple as it is powerful; it's the ability to target particular ads to specific individuals, based on their unique behaviors, demographics and brand relationships.

Nielsen Total Audience Report Q2.2016

Download the new Total Audience Report from Nielsen.

Cord Cutting - What's Really Going On

Download NCC's whitepaper Cord Cutting - What's Really Going On

State of the Media Audio Today

Download Nielsen's new report: State of the Media Audio Today

2016-2017 Upfrpont CPM Report

MyersBizNet 2017/2017 Upfront Cost-Per-Thousand Inflation & Volume Report
Only paid members have access to this Whitepaper

Future of TV - Needham & Co.

Click to download a free whitepaper from Needham & Company's Laura Martin, analyzing the current state of technology, consumer adoption, and economics in the TV ecosystem

Today's Auto Shoppers

Today's Auto Shoppers: How they Research and why trust is so essential in winning them over

SMI-ARF presentation 2016

SMI - ARF presentation 2016

NCC Media Targeting Hispanic Consumers on Every Screen and Top 20 Hispanic Market Profiles

NCC Media Targeting Hispanic Consumers on Every Screen and Top 20 Hispanic Market Profiles

Evolution of a Market – Impressions to People

Evolution of a Market – Impressions to People

Developing an Effective PMP Strategy

"Developing an Effective PMP Strategy", part two of Sonobi's three-part whitepaper outlining best practices for true people-based marketing, examines key considerations when implementing or revamping your PMP strategy.

Evolutions of a Market – Impressions to People (Part 1)

Evolutions of a Market – Impressions to People (Part 1)

Top 20 Competitive Rankings Report

Top 20 Competitive Rankings Report

Jack Myers TomorrowToday Hispanic Media 2016 Data and Long-Term Forecast

Jack Myers TomorrowToday Hispanic Media 2016 Data and Long-Term Forecast

MyersBizNet 2015 - 2020 Hispanic Long-Term Advertising Spending Forecast

MyersBizNet 2015 - 2020 Hispanic Long-Term Advertising Spending Forecast

2016-2020 MyerBizNet Spending Forecast

2016-2020 forecast

2015-2020 MyersBizNet Forecast Digital Advertising and Legacy Media

2015-2020 MyersBizNet Forecast Digital Advertising and Legacy Media

2015-2020 MyersBizNet Forecast Digital Advertising and Legacay Media

2015-2020 MyersBizNet Forecast Digital Advertising and Legacy Media

2015-2016 MyersBizNet Spending Forecast

2015-2016 MyersBizNet Spending Forecast
Only paid members have access to this Whitepaper

Five Future Looking Trends

Five future trends

Path to Purchase

A+E Path to Purchase

Post Holiday Blues

A+E Post Holiday Blues

Video Everywhere

A+E Video Everywhere

Final MyersBizNet TomorrowToday 2000-2020 Annual Ad Spending Data and Forecast 2015a

MyersBizNet TomorrowToday Official Marketing/Advertising Spending Data & Forecasts 2000-2020

A+E Anticipating What's Next

A+E Networks has published a detailed white paper providing insights on the many implications and opportunities for marketers across the IoT ecosystem.

2015-16 MyersBizNet Upfront Final

2015/2016 Upfront Spending


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