In June, a4 Advertising debuted its latest self-serve platform known as Athena Political, which is now increasingly being thrust into action as election day approaches. Athena Political, which enables advertisers to precisely target desired voter demographics, boasts a comprehensive set of options from location tools, to advertising scheduling, to exclusions of select media content. Although national campaigns might receive the lion's share of attention and focus in our national discourse, the self-serve platform can be drawn upon by campaigns of all levels, including, for instance, state legislative races. (The platform offers the ability to reach all the way to the zip code level.) As David Powers, director of product at a4 Advertising, explains, "As long as you have a credit card, you're good to go." This enables those managing even very small campaigns to draw upon a4's self-serve resources, enabling local campaigns to activate TV and digital advertising using self-serve media buying tools.
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