Best of 2019: Alli on Audio Talks Smart Speaker Growth, Digital Audio, and Reaching Key Audiences

Sometimes an article may be off-the-charts popular, but you miss reading it because your workday gets away from you. In our "Best of 2019" series we resurface the top member and topic-specific content so you can see what you might have missed. In this installment, we look back on the top stories from audio expert Alli Romano.

NPR/Edison Research: With Smart Speaker Market Growth, Privacy and Security Concerns Grow Too

Media organizations and brands alike should take note: While smart speaker ownership continues to grow at a rapid clip — up 78 percent in just a year according to the Spring 2019 Smart Audio report from Edison Research and NPR — more are expressing concern about security. Despite new owners having shiny object syndrome, there's an overall increase in concerns about privacy. Read more about the findings here.

Why Marketers Should Embrace Digital Audio Now

Listeners' passion for digital audio is one reason savvy brands are incorporating it in their media mix. It's an "ideal canvas for brand building," according to one veteran media buyer. Another is "so hot on audio" that his company is "doubling down" on the medium. Read more from Pandora for Brands' new " 2020 Definitive Guide to Audio" to learn why media buyers are as passionate about digital audio as the listeners they're trying to reach.

Where Does Radio Fit in the Podcast Gold Rush?

As the original form of audio, you'd think radio stations would be the go-to for all things podcasting, but that's hasn't been the case. Many radio stations have been slow to explore podcasting. Now, as listening explodes and advertisers commit more money to podcasting, radio broadcasters have started ramping up podcasting efforts, but they're playing catchup. Read why broadcasters need to get aggressive, and fast.

To Reach Latinx Consumers, Reflect Their Community and Values

As the U.S. Hispanic population grows in size and influence, marketers need to devise a new playbook to reach them — one designed expressly for their community. Latinx individuals are tech-savvy, community-minded, and enjoy sharing information with friends and family. Learn more about key insights from "La Oportunidad Latinx: Cultural Currency and The Consumer Journey," a new study by Nielsen.

Pandora's Keri Degroote Weighs in on Edison's "Share of Ear" Report

As smartphones, smart speakers, and connected cars make audio more accessible than ever, digital audio is reaping the rewards. Streaming audio's audience is growing steadily, as listeners spend more time seeking personalized content, including podcasts, on their own terms. Edison Research's latest Share of Ear report dives into digital audio users' habits and preference. Here's what you need to know.

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