You can't call yourself a New Yorker if you don't know who Charlamagne Tha God is. Co-host of the nationally syndicated radio show The Breakfast Club on Power 105, this "Prime Minister of Pissing People Off" became notorious for unapologetically speaking his mind regardless of the company present, and that captivating quality has continued to serve him throughout his career. At present, this occasionally messy radio host is now an occasionally messy late-night TV host on his own show, Comedy Central's Hell of a Week with Charlamagne Tha God. This reincarnation of his last show, Tha God's Honest Truth with Charlamagne Tha God, now features influential guests and an ever-changing panel of three contributors, all of whom discuss and debate current events in politics and entertainment. The topics they talk about run the gamut, and every episode seems to ride the line between the weight of its seriousness and the levity of its comedic wit -- though, admittedly, it errs on the side of comedy as a rule.
Charlamagne Tha God's "Hell of a Week" Is One Heck of a Show