The last time Lifetime viewers saw Monique Coleman, she'd reunited with her High School Musical co-star Corbin Bleu for the holiday-themed A Christmas Dance Reunion. This weekend she completely changes gears, getting greedy, in the premiere of Greed: A Seven Deadly Sins Story. The film is the fourth in T.D. Jakes' Seven Deadly Sins Anthology, inspired by Victoria Christopher Murray's books. "For me, it really started with the fact that this was a Bishop Jakes project," Coleman explained during an exclusive interview with MediaVillage. "I've always wanted to collaborate in some way with him ever since he did Woman Thou Art Loosed and Jumping the Broom. When I found out he was behind those films I really saw myself in this because I love doing movies with a positive message.
Exclusive! Monique Coleman on Going from Grateful to Greedy in Lifetime's "Greed: A Seven Deadly Sins Story"