As we all know, unrest in the Black community has been steadily growing for years now, mainly due to the regularly occurring unjustifiable deaths of people of color during interactions with law enforcement. Specifically, the deaths of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor, both at the hands of law enforcement in Minneapolis and Louisville respectively, became the catalysts for the recent reinvigoration of the Black Lives Matter movement. The camel's back has officially been broken. Of course, for those privileged enough not to somehow have a horse in this race, it can seem like all of this came out of nowhere. It did not. The people of color who do have platforms from which to speak – the same people we turn to for escapism from the harsh realities of our own lives – have been pretty damn vocal about almost every racism and prejudice-base disuse that's been brought to the forefront of our nation's mind during these tumultuous past few months. Let's take a moment to listen to some of these voices and what they've been saying very plainly this entire time.
How Comics and Comedy are Reflecting Black Lives Matter