Amazon, Netflix, Instagram and YouTube have the greatest vitality among 147 leading media brands, according to a new study of 1,200 media agency and brand marketing professionals conducted by MediaVillage. Media brand vitality was assessed based on survey respondents’ perceptions of each media brand’s sustainability (ability of the brand to thrive in the new media world) and differentiation (magnitude of difference between the brand and its closest competitors). Amazon has become the fastest growing ad-supported platform, generating an estimated $10 billion in ad revenues in 2018 with projected ad revenues approaching $25 billion by 2022. Although Netflix and HBO do not offer advertising opportunities, agency executives appear prepared to support the platforms when and if they decide to open sponsorship opportunities. Respondents to the MediaVillage survey rated Amazon 9.1 on a 10-point scale for sustainability, the highest rating assigned to any media brand in any of the five brand equity attributes measured in the survey. Full content of this report and the executive summary are available to MediaVillage member companies only and may be downloaded with password at
Media Brand Futures Report: Agency and Advertiser Executives Assess Vitality of Media Brands