Over the last two weeks of June, Amazon Fire TV and Dolby collaborated on a public exhibition inside Dolby Soho, the latter firm's gallery-modeled setting on Broadway. Immersive in format, the event was a showcase for the advanced capabilities of Amazon's Fire TV sets and connected devices, and Dolby's audio and video technology. Of all the elements I checked out at this showcase -- from a 360-degree room with scenes of Fire TV-distributed channels and applications flying all around to an Alexa-powered machine handing out three flavors of popcorn to visitors -- the most impactful was a living room with a Fire TV-powered set and Alexa voice-activated remote control. With an exhibit representative sitting on a comfy couch facing the set, remote in hand, a series of questions were directed to Alexa with the question posted at the bottom of the Fire TV screen. The response to each question came through a second or two at most after asking.
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