Season two of Hulu’s sci-fi comedy Future Manpicks up exactly where its first season left off, and faster than you can say “biotik” we’re thrown right back in the futuristic mix with Tiger (Eliza Coupe), Josh/Joosh (Josh Hutcherson) and Wolf (Derek Wilson). (The three are pictured above, left to right.) When we last left our heroes (spoiler alert for season one), Josh was in prison, having been convicted for a terroristic act of mass murder, even though what he really did was avert the apocalypse by destroying the laboratory and headquarters of an evil company that was full of human-impersonating killer-robot soldiers called “biotics.” Tiger and Wolf, having just helped Josh save the future in an epic fight to the finish with some biotiks in the building’s corridors, arrive in a future that’s completely different from the one they left, because they apparently succeeded in saving it. Back in Josh’s cell, a bright light begins flashing, wind begins to blow, and the crackle and flash of electricity can be heard as it appears someone is using the TTD (time travel device) to rescue Josh from his incarcerated fate.
In Season Two, Hulu's "Future Man" Is Still Popcorn-Flick Fun