The success of last year’s Los Diez Mandamientos (The Ten Commandments) was just the first in what would be an incredible line up of epic biblical mini-series to be telecast on Univision. From the moving performances and breathtaking visuals to the immense production values, these new series are consistently stunning. The current Univision mini-series Los Milagros de Jesus (The Miracles of Jesus, telecast Sundays at 8 p.m.) chronicles the traditional biblical story of Jesus of Nazareth and the many healing miracles he performed before his historic death in a gripping but family friendly fashion. José de Egipto (Joseph of Egypt, seen Monday-Friday at 8 p.m.) goes back centuries before the events of Los Milagros de Jesus. It follows the life of José, whose birth was considered a miracle because his mother Raquel was barren and unable to have children.
Univision’s Biblical Minis Are, In a Word, Epic