The latest star in the red-hot podcasting space is hardly a newcomer to media. iHeartMedia just announced that its latest on-demand audio host is Barbara Corcoran. Initially known in New York circles as the doyenne of real estate, Corcoran has earned national recognition as an investment expert -- or “shark” -- on ABC’s entrepreneurial reality show Shark Tank and as a very memorable contestant on Dancing with the Stars. Already a speaker, consultant, author and syndicated columnist, Corcoran is now embracing audio with her new iHeartRadio podcast, Business Unu$ual. I spoke with the now fully multi-platform media maven about her feelings about podcasting, and asked iHeartRadio’s Senior Vice President of Podcasting, Chris Peterson, how he’ll put its promotional power behind her show (and how it was to negotiate with a bona fide shark!)
Barbara Corcoran Is iHeartRadio’s Newest Podcaster