"Surprisingly personal and emotionally honest." That was my description of Dave when it debuted on FXX at the dawn of the pandemic (March 4, 2020 to be exact). After an excruciatingly long wait between seasons, this dope dramedy is back for its sophomore run, but it has a slightly different vibe this time around. What's that vibe? Why, sadness, of course! I'm kidding … kind of. Yes, there's a lingering air of poignancy during the continuation of comically named white rapper Lil Dicky's "success" story, but is it just the general malaise of life in the music industry that I'm sensing, or is it actually that this whole rapper sitch really isn't the champagne and women-filled house party it was all cracked up to be?
FXX's "Dave" Keeps the Dope Dramedy and Relatable Ridiculousness Going in Season Two