The name John Savage brings a certain amount of prestige and credence to any project he is involved in, and the esteemed actor couldn’t have been prouder to do that for CBS’ SEAL Team. Savage completes the last of his three-episode arc this week, guest-starring as Emmett Quinn, the estranged father of Sonny Quinn (A.J. Buckley), who after being sidelined from his team for misconduct returned home to rebuild their fractured relationship. Last week saw that come to head as the father and son endeavored to have a simple meal together, and Sonny attempted to mend fences with the man he felt has pushed him away for most of his life. During that sequence, viewers discovered it wasn’t just a generational void separating these two, with Sonny’s intense resentment for his father providing deeper insight into his “no-frills” rebellious nature. For Savage, who has long been associated with returned veterans, being able to highlight the reality of war and its long-term consequences was a perfect fit.
John Savage on the Pride He Feels Working for CBS' "SEAL Team"