The Super Bowl as a showcase for new commercials makes less sense with each passing year. I can’t help but wonder why this tradition endures, and at ever-increasing prices. First of all, in this era of digital distribution most of the “new” Super Bowl spots have already been seen by the time the game is telecast, either on YouTube or any number of Web sites and social media platforms, not to mention news and entertainment programs on the broadcast networks. But more than that, if media pundits are correct it seems that celebrating commercials on Super Bowl Sunday is way out of alignment with the way people live during the other 364 days of the year, especially those under 49 who comprise the demographic that still gives the ad community its most satisfying feels. By way of VCR or DVR they have grown up steadfastly avoiding traditional advertisements on TV.
Super Bowl LIV Ads: A Few Smart Standouts Amid a Disappointing Bunch