In winning the PGA Championship at age 50, Phil Mickelson stunned the sports world by becoming the oldest golfer to win a major tournament. While there's no doubt that it was a brilliant athletic performance on a grueling course, the sports world isn't celebrating his accomplishment because he won his sixth major tournament; they're celebrating it because an older man defied the odds to beat out younger men. While many remain in awe that someone as old as 50 could actually do this, those of us who are his age or older are snickering under our breath because we find nothing surprising about his achievement. If you look around you, people of age are continually defying society's stereotypes of age by behaving as if they're ageless and believing that anything's possible. For as long as people continue to define age using outdated paradigms, they will continue to be surprised by what older people are capable of. Have we already forgotten what Tom Brady accomplished in February? One thing's certain -- old age isn't what it used to be. Here's why, and here's what you should do about it.
Why Mickelson's Win is Not a Major Event